Why I’m Starting #75Hard

I want to challenge myself harder than I ever have before. I want to see who I really am. I want to get in my own head and stop making excuses. I want to see real results that come from pure discipline and pure savagery.

Omar Prestwich
3 min readAug 11, 2020

2020 Started out mental for me. Pre pandemic I started knowing I needed more out of myself. I listened to David Goggins Book “Can’t Hurt Me”. I began to explore a new level of mindfulness I’d never explored. A mind of No matter what, you have to get it done. To the best version of yourself, you have to be a savage.

Following that book, I listened to “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight. I found myself running and pondering of what my purpose was. What was I running towards. What is my story.

March 2020:

The pandemic changed the world and I found myself in a new playing field. In my apartment and my head. I’m was guilty of drinking way to much the first few weeks. I didn’t take it too serious. It was only after a few weeks of poor time management that I found myself feeling like a complete piece of shit. I looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted. So I began to make slight adjustments and gave myself a goal.

June 2020:

I turned 34. I had given myself a goal of weighing in at 138 by my birthday, making it the lightest I have weighed in over a year and nearly 4 years. Goal attained, but not maintained. I dropped nearly 15 lbs to achieve said weight goal. I had trained to drop weight, to see a number, but I did not train to maintain desired results.

July 2020:

I realized I am back to square one. The hamster wheel. I started seeing friends posting #75Hard calendar pictures. I never paid to much attention until they posted the day 1 and day 75 side by side. Each person looked completely different. From sloppy to in shape. From hunched over to standing straight. I could see the confidence radiating from the images. I want this. I need this.

75 Days of pure consistency.

I am ready. I know the end date (10/22/20). If that day comes, and I am not writing a blog post about finishing, then I have failed. OR.. I will be writing about how I failed and am back on it. Either way, my mind is currently set on one thing, DO IT. I’ve been slowly prepping for this, unintentionally. From changing small diet habits, to waking up at 5am more often, to running 100 miles monthly. This seems to be a way to combine all of that and more, with slightly more purpose.


I’m on day 3 since writing this. I’m more energized but completely drained physically. If you’re thinking about starting, just start.

