#75Hard Day 1

Omar Prestwich
2 min readAug 10, 2020

The only way to do something difficult, is to start.

I am a chubby kid that can throw down 100 miles a month. I have a bad habit of eating whatever I want, I love drinking beer, and I love eating out. I currently have no discipline in my eating. I don’t read books. I do listen while I run, but not recently. I work out, but nothing consistent.

Day 1:

It wasn’t as difficult as I thought. Mostly because I had planned to do it all today and get a feel of what’s to come. I did notice I have extra time because I am not drinking. It takes me a total of 115 minutes to do both work outs and read 10 pages. Food and water wasn’t bad because I don’t have much in my fridge at the moment.

Current Stats. 8/9/2020

