30 Day Challenges are the biggest tease

They are a tease because they cheat you of real success.

Omar Prestwich
3 min readOct 8, 2020

30 day challenges are the biggest tease.

They aren’t designed to change your life, but rather give you a quick hit of dopamine, make you feel good about yourself for doing something “hard” and “challenging”, and then after you post your “progress” on Instagram you’re back to your old ways. WHAT A WASTE. Show me the updated “progress picture” 30 days from your end date and I bet it’s similar to the day 1 picture.

“You achieve success by mastering the monotonous. The rest of the crowd is addicted to ease and excitement, they don’t want to accept the fact that the road to achievement and success is mastering the monotonous” Andy Frisella

Change doesn’t happen at day 30, nor 31, it happens when you go 100% every single day, over and over and over without cheating yourself. THEN on about day 40, 10 days after your “30 day challenge” is over, your mind begins to undergo real change. You start to understand your real WHY, your purpose. Your reason for pushing yourself the way you are, you will start eliminating all the bull shit excuses that caused you to start a challenge in the first place and you will just keep going. This, is what Andy Frisella calls, the “Boss Voice”

Conquer Your Inner Bitch.

In the words of Joe Rogan “Conquer your inner Bitch”, or as Andy puts it in his book, don’t listen to your inner “Bitch Voice”. I’m not a health expert, I’m not a trainer, I’m a regular dude who has always been chubby (I even reached 200 lbs at age 24 and I’m 5'5 so I was FAT). I dropped down to 140 and plateaued for a decade fluctuating from 140–160lbs. I stopped progressing because my inner bitch got to me without me really knowing it. It stopped me from the REAL CHANGE, The change that seperates the boys from the men. This voice told me, “You’re good, look at your progress” or “Dude, You used to be 200 lbs you can eat that, drink that”. This voice aka (mentality) is the exact reason I wasn’t able to go beyond and achieve the final stage of weight loss, earning the six pack. The sign of pure discipline and self mastery.

Final Note:

I’m on day 60 of 75Hard (15 days left) and I can honestly say this, I have NEVER been more self aware, awake, determined, and happy with myself. The progress I have made while visible on the outside, is 10x on the inside. My mind is SHARP, my excuses are dwindling. I am getting a taste of what the ELITE version of myself does, looks like, and thinks and I’m loving it all.

Life is Not Easy, Don’t Try to Make it Easy. Attempting to make your life easy is only stopping you from personal progress and purpose. Find your personal greatness by listening to the boss voice more often than the bitch voice.

Much Love.


