10 Years vs 40 Days

You don’t have the results you want because you keep cheating yourself by doing 30 day challenges vs consistent work.

Omar Prestwich
2 min readSep 24, 2020

I woke up and I had abs. As silly as that sounds, that is what basically happened. On day 40 of the #75HardChallenge, I took my progress picture and was shocked to actually see my abs.

HOW THE HELL DID I DO THIS SO FAST? What is so different about this time vs previous 10 years I have tried to get a six pack? End result mindset and zero shortcuts. I have a decade of experience in giving up early, getting complacent, justifying food, having cheat meals, consuming alcoholic with no thought, doing 30 day challenges with no life changing goals, and if I’m honest, all these things boil down to one thing, I’ve been lying and cheating myself.

Lying in the sense of justifying my body and behaviors. I just didn’t want to put in the actual work to get the results. Don’t lie to the person in the mirror. Own your thoughts, and go FAR beyond your end point. That is where the magic starts happening.

I have realized that each time I attempted to “get abs or lose weight” it wasn’t a lifestyle change, it was a quick dopamine hit, a 30 day challenge aka a SHORTCUT. That is why I’ve never seen the results I am seeing now. You have to keep being consistent for the right reasons over and over. One thing I’ve learned on my journey is that there zero short cuts, especially when it comes to the best things in life.

I’m on day 47 now, I weigh less than I did when I was 16 (I’m 34 years old now). I’ve got visible abs for the first time in my life. I’m awakening to the power of personal ownership and consistent discipline.

If you read this far, thank you. I love you guys! Get after it today. Don’t make excuses and most importantly overcome your mindset and do it for you.

Much love,


